Mission statement

At VLB Services, our mission is to provide dynamic business solutions to our clients through flexible coworking spaces and comprehensive legal services. We strive to create an inclusive environment where people of every race, color, nationality, and gender can thrive. With a focus on immigration and international relations law, we aim to help businesses navigate the complexities of cross-border operations.

Our Team

At VLB Services, our team of legal and business experts work tirelessly to provide dynamic solutions that support the success of our clients, both domestically and internationally.

Ludmilla Canhoni

As the CEO of VLB Services, I bring my extensive knowledge of international law and business operations to provide our clients with top-notch legal services and flexible coworking spaces that meet their unique needs.

Donna Coppola

As the attorney of VLB Services, I leverage my expertise in law to develop customized immigration strategies for each client. My commitment is to ensure solutions are effective and tailored to your needs.

Happy Customers​

Our commitment to providing exceptional coworking spaces and legal services with a focus on inclusivity and diversity sets us apart and earns the loyalty of our valued customers.

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